Sunday, January 18, 2009

Settling Notions

There's a settling notion in collective thought that science is developing at a faster pace than other components of our lifestyle can maintain. From the moment we first came together and worked together we became a sort of learned ignoramus, and from our antiquities and our sentiments we worked so well together that we become more and more ignorant to the plight of the fellow man. So in this way we continue to augment our insifgnicance.

We see this happen with government, within a generation of conscious acknowledgement of a population's establishments as greater than what the individuals can control and understand these will inevitably collapse. With science we clearly haven't seen skynet yet, but an overly inflated world of technology could crumble on the weight of an indecisive society.

Dawkins may be on to something with those "memes." Imitated and learned through cultural transmissions, Dawkins and others suggest that memes act to galvanize evolution. After the greatest evolutionary leap one could imagine, from hominid to human, it's not that ridiculous to say we're in the process of becoming even better, perhaps developing into a new being, and rapidly.

The internet alone threw mankind forward. The sum of human knowledge is available to any one individual. A global catalogue of all information from the most intelligent lifeform this earth feeds.

Terence McKenna developed his "Stoned Ape Theory" which was regarded as very speculative. According to McKenna's theory, a group of primates in Africa began eating a new diet when they came down from the trees and began walking. Psychoactive mushrooms would have been prevalent in such a post ice-age climate, among the waste of other animals. Theoretically the groups who began eating these mushrooms developed many evolutionary advantages, most importantly high doses leading to development of language. A tripping monkey started talking.
Our founding fathers smoked a lot of hash, and they created the America that prospered greater than any other nation in our history. It is also interesting to see that the greatest period of progress in our history came around the same time heavy cannabis use and emergence of LSD. Anyone who has done a hallucinogen like LSD or psylocybin mushrooms knows, as well as recognized writers, doctors and scientists, that these experiences are entirely like that of deep religious experiences, especially those written in world scriptures. So aside from the fact that we now know of pschizophrenia and other disorders we now know that substances can create the written miracles we worship.

Muhammed may have just been a pschizophrenic, but he may have had ergot poisoning, forever poisoning his mind. Same goes for Christ. For all we know he may have dosed everyone with magic mushrooms before his miracles.

In our modern discussion this is not the case of all those who worked brilliantly to create our new technologies, but the framework of the human mind changed. Hippies forever changed the nation. People's minds were open, conformity was the enemy and it only won in the end because it was more convenient. This is the generation that produced Steve Jobbs, the internet, and encouraged disbelief. For the first time, apathy could be positive. Apathy could be peace and love.

I do acknowledge a lack of evidence and a condition of speculation. Because of this, my point on psychoactive substances is simply that they correlate to progress.

Human beings can develop language in entirely different parts of the brain. Which adds further stipulation to an idea of reality consciousness I cannot overcome. It is potential that everything we know and accept as reality is fully different from that of any other being, human or otherwise. And I cannot describe it any further.

So from here does apathy prevail? Does disbelief forge a new era? As one world we could let group mentality reign, a creation of one human race. It could be our destiny. As a social being we choose to become less and less independent. As we lose the need for physical labor our brains will develop at astonishing rates. We're the things that thought of calculus, that connected ourselves with billions of others to share all that we know, all that we see, all that we are.

Or are we animals? Our territoriality, selfishness and disdain for greater-than-I-institutions could once again undo our overly connected swarm. At our point of greatest central planning they will fail and we will triumph. It's always man against himself.

Obviously, what will define the new man is a drastic change. Likely, it will be brain-based. It will likely include (if not be dependent upon) a heightened state of consciousness. Perceiving in new ways, perhaps a somewhat hive mind, but most likely some sort of cosmic-consciousness, a further human addition to a self-aware universe.

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