Thursday, January 8, 2009

My First Words

I Actually have no idea what my first words were.

My greatest fear about the incoming administration coupled with congress' majority leading to social democratic rule would be the appearance of socialism in only the places needed to further agendas, possibly limiting our liberty. Transparency means nothing in America. People in this country don't care, and for those that do, caring is not caring without action. Government expansion, brought by another Harvard elite will certainly not destroy capitalism as we know it. But forget about a "free" market. The butcher of our Liberty will be the no longer intermittent bond between government, big business and the media. CNN Correspondent Sanjay Gupta seems to be rewarded of CNN's efforts in the election.

So last fall Reaganomics finally failed. The elites got too greedy and the people got too lazy, and I'm glad. As a nation we went in debt and didn't even care. It was the new American way. Instead of saving up, building up, working, thinking, idealizing, we spent, consumed, made money out of thin air, idolized and finally began to collapse. And I love it. We ruined our naturally corrupt banking system; the Federal Reserve was the biggest slap in the face the American people have ever been dealt, and nobody cares. The system itself sets people up to become rulers through playing with the debt and lives of the masses.

So the folks in their suits never worked an honest day in their lives. They raped the people for generations, and now the people can see it. Everybody began to get the same mentality as the elite had (perhaps due to all those self-made millionaire paid programming, you can do-it-yourself real estate tapes and online business kits) so anyone who really wanted it could grab a piece of the pie.

And where did the pie come from? If there is so much wealth, so many goods in this nation, so much worth, and we didn't even do half of the work for it, where did it come from? Well, sure, there are American car companies but even those are built off parts mainly from other countries. And for the most part, our products come from other places; we are now generally a services nation. The services we provide, blogging, media, nursing are all things that do not create new wealth, they are merely the products of services required for the immense wealth already created, by our banks. Oh, the mighty banks, they've conquered the world through credit. Everyone is in debt. And this debt is controlled by those who hold it all, in the form of money.

The bottom line is now we know this: In America, businesses fail. Unless you are a large business with deep Government relations because then you can never fail.

But since this is my first post on this new blog, I must address my meanings. I fully support and admire the open source movement, which I consider blogging to be very much a part of, and I will be glad to see it gain enough influence to be more effective than mass media and other purchasable public and private satellites to capital-based empires.. Wikipedia alone seems to answer some higher calling than anything made before. As people, we build institutions, it seems as if we develop some sort of hive mind, which creates our culture, our politics, everything that is bigger than us. And we can hate it for many reasons, one being that we are still individual and we can never agree on all issues and more importantly on the exact role of our institutions in our life. I myself prefer smaller, less intrusive government, so I suppose I cannot fully understand those minds who prefer larger, welfare-state governments. So I hope you choose to read what seems like my paranoid babbling, but know I do not believe in conspiracy theories, I just understand that there are those who do take advantage of our institutions, and that there are naturally corrupt institutions which we harbor, and love in part. CNN's ties to our government and big pharmaceutical is awful and immoral. I do not need to bore anyone, we all know the obvious corruption in corporate entities (of which I consider the Bureacratic Empire of the Government of the United States as one example among more often pronounced corporations) so I will move on to my final point. I believe that there is a somewhat natural progression of these things. Institutions seem to grow stronger and bigger, because that is what we want, and in keeping with the way of a cyclical universe, we as people come through periods in which are mind changes, and anarchy or some other patchy work of another academy purges the overly inflated society. The Mongols rode heavy into China, and the Visigoths broke down an empty, decayed log of an empire (much like modern America, they no longer produced anything, but still clinged to the value which they didn't deserve), and now perhaps some new Libertarian (or other ideal scheme) could lay waste to all that the human consciousness apparently yearns for in secret. It is very possible for us to get an Amero, or just some Union, and also possible that someday, even soon, we could have a one world Union, a one world government entity. Yes this seems terrifying, but it is not some elaborate conspiracy theory, it is just possible, and seems almost probable. People seem to like socialism, they like the state to take care of them, and they love to harbor resentment towards that state. Be it as it may, in free-market terms, the advantages to a one world union would mean one world currency, effectively one world bank. In terms of evil, it could be absolute power. And at first, it may likely be used to do good. It can maintain peace, and increase prosperity worldwide, especially if a social minded world is still up to the task. This seems like the ultimate fusion of free market and social democratic ideas, a very American agenda. But just as likely as a good start is a bad end.

The best thing to do is to embrace ambiguity, keep an open mind, and feed an open source. Keep a look out for the next cultural revolution on Yahoo! Answers or craiglist.

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